Dr. Alison Stickney joined Peninsula Vet Emergency and Referral Hospital (ERH) in 2018. Alison is a Partner and the manager of the veterinary team at ERH.

Alison graduated from the University of Melbourne in 2004. After subsequently completing her Master’s in Veterinary Studies and obtaining memberships in Small Animal Medicine, she entered a dual residency and PhD program at Massey University in 2009. In 2013 she became a Diplomate of the American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine and is now a registered specialist in Small Animal Medicine.

Alison has published papers on her research and written a textbook chapter on small animal vaccination (In Press). Her PhD thesis focussed on vaccine efficacy and pathogenicity of the Feline Immunodeficiency Virus.

With a passion for teaching and mentoring students and young veterinarians, Alison serves as a senior examiner for the Australian & New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists in both Small Animal and Feline Medicine.

Her special interests include:

  • Immunology
  • Feline medicine.

Alison is a self-confessed crazy cat lady, and her home is often filled with foster kittens as well as her three resident cats!