Ann graduated with honours from Melbourne University in 1987, receiving the top prize in Small animal medicine.

 She spent several years working in mixed animal practices in country Victoria. This helped prepare her for 4 years of working in rural development in Tanzania East Africa.  The work was an interesting mix of teaching animal health in villages, and participating in a large trial of NewCastle Disease vaccines for village chickens. 

Since returning to Melbourne , Ann worked at the RSPCA as well as teaching veterinary nursing at Box Hill TAFE.    

Ann joined Box Hill Veterinary Hospital in 2011, and has focused more on small animal medicine and surgery.  She loves the opportunity of working at Guide Dog Victoria and has the satisfaction of helping bouncy puppies grow into loyal working guide dogs.

Ann and her family have a Labrador called Bronte, 2 bearded dragons and an abundance of stick insects ( which are wonderful quiet, well behaved and inexpensive pets).