Effective date: 19th March 2024

Direct debit members please note: If you have authorised Debit Success to process your monthly membership fee, a dishonoured transaction fee of $10 applies to any missed or late payments due under these terms and conditions.  The $5 dishonour fee payable to VP noted in clause 18 below will not apply.

Please read the full terms and conditions carefully before signing up to the Best for Pet Wellness Plan. We have also highlighted below important terms that we want to make you aware of.

Our liability is excluded under clause 41

We are not liable to you for any loss, damage, cost, expense, or claim from any delay or failure to provide services or the membership benefits, if this is caused by events or circumstances beyond our reasonable control – for example (but not limited to), forced closures due to COVID-19, power or technology outages and/or flooding. If these circumstances occur, we can suspend all or part of the services or membership benefits or in extreme circumstances, terminate the Best for Pet Wellness Plan. If we terminate the Best for Pet Wellness Plan, we will refund any prepaid membership fees on a pro-rata basis.

We may disclose your personal information

We may disclose your personal information to third parties, such as payment processors, data entry service providers, marketing agencies, market researchers, mailing houses, network administrators, virtual and online veterinary medicine consultation providers, debt collectors, insurers, regulatory bodies and professional advisers – each of which may have their own privacy policies outlining how they handle personal information.

We encourage you to read our privacy policy before signing up to the Best for Pet Wellness Plan. The policy includes important information about how we collect, hold, use and disclose personal information, how you may access your personal information, and how to complain about our privacy handling practices.

You may be required to pay fees for dishonoured direct debits or credit card payments and cancellations
If you sign up to the direct debit option or credit card payment option and a scheduled direct debit or credit card payment is dishonoured, you will be required to pay an administrative fee of $5 for each dishonoured transaction. This fee will be payable by you at the next drawing date.

Cancelling your membership early may attract an additional payment, calculated on the savings you have made by using the membership benefits. Refer to clauses 25 to 31 of these terms and conditions for further details on how this is calculated. If you have any questions regarding cancellations, please contact the Best for Pet Wellness Plan support team on [email protected].

Annual fee increases

The annual membership fees are specified on our website and will be reviewed annually. If we decide to increase the annual membership fees, we will notify you in writing before we do so and any increase in the annual membership fees will not come into effect until your annual membership is renewed. For example, if you joined on 1 June your fee will remain the same until 31 May of the following year and will only increase to the new fee from 1 June of your new annual membership term. If you do not accept the increased membership fees, you can cancel your membership in accordance with clause 8. In some circumstances this may attract a cancellation fee.

Changes to terms and conditions
We may from time to time make changes to these terms and conditions. If we do, we will bring the changes to your attention by sending you an email. If we make change to the terms and conditions which are to your detriment, you will have the option of cancelling your membership without financial penalty within 30 days after we notify you of the change. However, if you continue to use your membership benefits, or you don’t cancel within 30 days, after we have notified you of the changes, we will assume you have accepted them, and you may be charged a cancellation fee if you then decide to cancel your membership.



  1. Best for Pet Wellness Plan is an annual preventative health and wellness program for pets brought to You by VetPartners New Zealand Operations Limited NZCN 5807928 (“VP”). *
  2. The program allows Members access to select veterinary services on an annual basis at participating veterinary clinics.
  3. The program is designed to be preventative care to help keep pets healthy, it is not an insurance program or a substitute for pet insurance.
  4. By joining Best for Pet Wellness Plan, Members agree to be bound by these terms and conditions as between VP, the Member and the participating veterinary clinic.
  5. Members can only be registered with one participating veterinary clinic. Members may, from time to time, use their benefits at other participating veterinary clinics, if they are travelling or are unable to find an appointment at the participating veterinary clinic at which they are registered, subject to the other veterinary clinic’s availability of services and appointments.
  6. Members can contact their participating veterinary clinic, the Best for Pet Wellness Plan support team [email protected] or seek your own independent advice about these terms and conditions.


  1. Best for Pet Wellness Plan has been designed as an annual program. Members (in these terms and conditions includes where applicable “Member” or “You”) will receive the most benefit if they are in the program for 12-month periods. Therefore, when You sign up, you agree to remain in the program for 12 months. Your membership will automatically renew for further consecutive 12 month periods unless you notify VP that you do not wish for your membership to renew in accordance with clause 8. VP will remind You at least 30 days before the end of any 12 month period that Your membership is due to renew by sending You a notification to your registered email address.
  2. If You do not wish for your membership to renew for consecutive period 12 month periods (Renewed Period):
    1. Before commencement of the Renewed Period, you can unselect the ‘auto-renew’ function when you login to the Best for Pet Wellness Plan platform; or
    2. You may notify us that you do not wish for your membership to renew by sending an email the Best for Pet Wellness Plan support team at [email protected];
    3. If You cancel your Membership within 30 days of commencement of the Renewed Period (Non-Renewal Notification) and you have not used any benefits during the Renewed Period, we will refund your first monthly membership instalment, or your annual membership Fees for the Renewed Period (as applicable) if it has been paid; or
    4. If You use any benefits during the Renewed Period or if You cancel your membership more than 30 days after the Renewed Period commences, the cancellation will be subject to clauses 25 to 31 of these terms and conditions.
  3. Members can only register their own dog or cat; the program is not available to other pets (for example rabbits) or pets which Members do not own.
  4. An annual membership is limited to the pet nominated by the Member.
  5. Members must have a separate membership per pet.
  6. Members are solely responsible for ensuring their contact details, including their email address and phone number are correct and up to date. Members may update their contact details in the Best for Pet Wellness Plan platform or by sending an email to the Best for Pet Wellness Plan support team at [email protected].
  7. VP will not be liable for any delay or disruption in communication due to incorrect or outdated Member contact details.


  1. The annual membership fees are as specified from time to time on our website and will be reviewed annually.
  2. If we decide to increase the annual membership fees, we will notify You in writing before we do so and any increase in the annual membership fees will not come into effect until your annual membership is renewed in accordance with these terms and conditions.
    For example, if You joined on 1 June your fee will remain the same until 31 May of the following year and will only increase to the new fee from 1 June of your new annual membership term. If You do not accept the increased membership fees, you can cancel your membership in accordance with clause 8.
  3. Members may choose to pay their annual membership fee on a monthly basis, or the full annual membership fee upfront. Members who choose to pay monthly, must pay their annual membership fee through 12 equal monthly instalments.
  4. Members authorise VP to arrange all payments due under these terms and conditions to be debited from their nominated bank account by direct debit or from their nominated credit card.
  5. Members must ensure their bank account or credit card details are always correct, and that there are sufficient clear funds available in their nominated bank account or credit card to allow any payment due under these terms and conditions to be processed. If there are insufficient clear funds to meet a payment, Members will be charged an administrative fee of $5 for each dishonoured transaction, which will be payable to VP at the next drawing date, for costs and expenses incurred by VP in connection with that default.
  6. VP may engage third party providers to assist with administration of Best for Pet Wellness Plan, including facilitation of the payments and/or the tracking of Member benefits.
  7. You may be required to comply with terms and conditions of VP’s third-party service providers. If You are required to comply with any third-party service provider’s terms and conditions, You will be asked to agree to such terms and conditions before joining Best for Pet Wellness Plan or upon commencement of the third party service provider’s engagement by VP.
  8. If We ask You to agree with any third party service provider’s terms and conditions after joining Best for Pet Wellness Plan (Acceptance Request) and You do not accept their terms and conditions, You may cancel your membership no more than 30 days after the date of the Acceptance Request by sending an email to the Best for Pet Wellness Plan support team at [email protected].
  9. If you have not used any benefits from the date of the Acceptance Request until the date you notify us that you wish to cancel Your membership, we will refund any prepaid membership Fees on a pro-rata basis.
  10. If you use any benefits after the date of the Acceptance Request or if you cancel your membership more than 30 days after the date of the Acceptance Request, the cancellation will be subject to clauses 25 to 31 of these terms and conditions.
  11. If a Member fails to pay an instalment of their annual membership fee, VP may, directly or through a third party provider, recover (at the member’s cost) any outstanding membership fees, including any administrative, service, or legal fees, and applicable interest associated with the outstanding membership fee or the recovery process.


  1. Memberships are for a 12 month period and will renew for successive periods of 12 months unless a Member chooses not to renew their membership in accordance with clause 8.
  2. A Member wishing to cancel within their membership can do so via the online portal or by contacting the Best for Pet Wellness Plan support team at [email protected].
  3. A Member may cancel their membership at any time without penalty if a Member has not used any benefits during their 12-month membership period.
  4. Unless otherwise set out in these terms and conditions, a Member who cancels their membership before the end of their 12-month membership period and has used benefits during the 12 month membership period may be required to pay (whichever is less):
    1. (Saved minus Paid): in respect of the current membership period, the difference between the amount the Member has saved on services received through their membership and the total membership fees paid to date; or
    2. (Remaining membership fees): the remaining amount of membership fees due for the current 12 month membership period.
  5. In addition to the amount due under clause 28, the Member may be required to reimburse VP any fees incurred by VP or its agents in connection with the cancellation.
  6. Any amount owing by the Member under clauses 28 and 29 must be paid by direct debit or credit card within 30 days of the cancellation becoming effective.
  7. If the Member has paid their membership fees upfront, VP may set-off any amount owing by the Member to VP against any refund applicable under clause If any refund is due to the Member under clause 28, VP will use reasonable endeavours to process the refund within 30 days of the cancellation becoming effective.


  1. Members may enjoy the following benefits and services at their participating veterinary clinic in each 12-month membership period:
    1. All routine core and recommended annual vaccinations as prescribed by the treating veterinarian at the clinic, including core canine and feline vaccinations, annual boosters for infectious canine cough (i.e. kennel cough), leptospirosis (where prevalent in the Member’s local area) and FIV vaccinations. Non-routine vaccinations or vaccinations for exotic or emerging disease conditions are not included in the program.
    2. Unlimited veterinarian and veterinary nurse consultations, provided that an appointment has been made with the clinic during normal clinic hours, up to a maximum of 20 minutes. Consultations performed without an appointment, or outside of normal clinic hours, including weekends and/or public holidays, house calls, veterinary specialists or behaviour consultations, or which exceed 20 minutes, or appointments that are rescheduled or cancelled and are subject to additional charges in accordance with the participating veterinary clinic’s cancellation policy, are not included in the program and additional charges may apply. Consultations may be performed by a veterinary nurse or veterinarian.
    3. One (1) preventative health care screen, including a preventative blood and urine test. These tests are preventative in nature for the purposes of identifying potential illness or management of conditions. Additional charges may apply if comprehensive testing or diagnostic work is required.
    4. One (1) microchip, only if the animal does not already have one.
    5. Up to $250 off one (1) dental procedure. This discount cannot be used in conjunction with any other offer or promotion, including the 10% discount on professional veterinary services below.
    6. 10% discount on professional veterinary services available at the Member’s participating veterinary clinic, which may include surgery, anaesthetic, sedation, radiology (imaging) and cytology services. This does not include any specialist or referral services.
    7. 10% discount on parasite prevention, pet food and retail products purchased at the clinic during the membership period.
    8. Four (4) nail trims for cats or dogs provided that no sedation is required. This may be performed by a veterinary nurse or veterinarian at the clinic.
  2. The following additional benefits and services are available at selected participating veterinary clinics only:
    1. Two (2) nights of standard cat boarding (if available at the participating veterinary clinic and subject to booking availability) per membership year.
    2. Four (4) ‘do it yourself’ hydro baths (if available at the participating veterinary clinic).
  3. All membership benefits and services will be subject to the professional recommendation of the treating veterinarian at the clinic and availability.
  4. Membership benefits and discounts are not to be used in conjunction with any other offer and cannot be exchanged or redeemed for cash or other consideration.
  5. Membership benefits may be redeemed within the membership period only and expire at the end of each 12-month membership period or on termination for any reason and do not accumulate.
  6. Any additional goods, services, consultations and/or treatments not covered by the program (including any additional consultation hours, diagnostic work and medications) will be payable at the participating veterinary clinic’s standard current fee schedule. Members should contact their participating veterinary clinic to obtain their current fee schedule.


  1. The on-going provision of membership benefits and services is subject to a Member’s compliance with the following conduct terms.
  2. Members must at all times in connection with Best for Pet Wellness Plan conduct themselves in a safe, lawful, honest, respectful, and appropriate manner. Abuse, harassment, threatening behaviour, and other misconduct in respect of veterinary clinic staff, customers, patients, or other person or animal in connection with Best for Pet Wellness Plan will not be tolerated.


  1. In addition to any other rights under these terms and conditions, if a Member breaches these terms and conditions then VP may notify the Member of such breach in writing and request that it be remedied. If the breach is a breach of clause 16, 17, 18 or 39 (a material term) and is not remedied within 14 days of notice, then VP may suspend or terminate the membership and recover any outstanding membership instalment(s) owing by the member, including any costs associated with debt collection (Debt). A Member will not be permitted to re-join the program until the Debt has been paid in full.


  1. VP will not be liable for any loss, cost, damage, expense, or claim arising from any failure, default, or delay in the supply of services or the membership benefits to Members if, and during the period in which, such failure, default, or delay is caused by events (such as, but not including, Covid 19) or circumstances beyond VP’s reasonable control . If such circumstances occur, VP may elect to suspend all or part of the supply of services or benefits to Members or terminate Best for Pet Wellness Plan on notice to Members and, if terminated, VP will provide a refund of any prepaid membership fees on a pro-rata basis.
  2. VP is only responsible for administering Best for Pet Wellness Plan. If Members have a complaint in relation to Best for Pet Wellness Plan, they should contact the Best for Pet Wellness Plan support team [email protected]. If Members have a complaint in relation to the services provided by their participating veterinary clinic, they should contact the veterinary clinic directly.
  3. Subject to compliance with applicable law, VP may elect to discontinue Best for Pet Wellness Plan at any time on notice to Members and, in such circumstance, VP will use reasonably commercial efforts to provide Members with a period of notice which allows Members to use some or all of their benefits before the program is discontinued and will otherwise provide a pro-rata refund of any prepaid membership fees for the balance of the term.
  4. The Consumer Guarantees Act 1993 (“CGA”), the Fair Trading Act 1986 (“FTA”), and other statutes contain warranties, guarantees and conditions which cannot be excluded by law.
  5. For further information on a Member’s rights and remedies under the CGA and FTA please visit consumerprotection.govt.nz.
  6. VP will provide the warranties and guarantees which You are entitled to by law but excludes all other warranties, guarantees and conditions whether express or implied by statute, common law, equity or otherwise where it is legally able to exclude them.
  7. If the Member acquires benefits or services for business purposes, the CGA does not apply and the parties agree that sections 9 (relating to misleading conduct in relation to goods), 12A (unsubstantiated representations) and 13 (false or misleading representations) of the FTA do not apply.
  8. Nothing in these terms and conditions is intended to contract out of the provisions of the CGA or FTA, except to the extent permitted by those Acts.
  9. Each party’s total liability to the other (whether in contract, tort (including negligence), or otherwise for any claim arising from membership of the program and/or the supply of the benefits or services shall not exceed the price paid by the Member for the program in the 12 months prior to the claim VP provides the program via participating veterinary clinics and any right, benefit, exclusion or limitation of liability in these terms and conditions for VP also applies for the benefit of each of the participating veterinary clinics in accordance with Subpart 1 of Part 2 of the Contract and Commercial Law Act 2017
  10. VP provides Best for Pet Wellness Plan via participating veterinary clinics and any right, benefit, exclusion or limitation of liability in these terms and conditions in favour of VP are also held in trust for the benefit of each of the participating veterinary clinics and includes the right of the veterinary clinics to enforce these terms and conditions directly against a Member.


  1. These terms and conditions are governed by the laws in force in New Zealand.
  2. You irrevocably and unconditionally submit to the non-exclusive jurisdiction of the courts of New Zealand and any courts which may hear appeals from those courts.
  3. Invalidity of any provisions in these terms and conditions does not affect any other provisions.
  4. Any delay or failure by VP to enforce any rights under these terms and conditions does not constitute waiver.
  5. VetPartners’ Group privacy policy states important privacy information including about how VetPartners group companies collect, hold, use and disclose personal information, how members may access their personal information, and how to complain about VP’s privacy handling practices.
  6. Members consent to VP handling their personal information in the ways indicated below:
    1. as reasonably appropriate in connection with the delivery and operation of the Best for Pet Wellness Plan;
    2. disclosing personal information to related entities within the VetPartners group of companies and to VP’s and the group’s service providers for the purposes set out in this clause 54;
    3. subject to individuals’ rights to opt-out (unsubscribe) at any time:
      1. using personal information for product research and development purposes, including conducting customer surveys;
      2. for direct marketing to members via email, social media, text message, telephone and other marketing ways.
  7. VP may from time to time make changes to these terms and conditions and VP will bring those changes to a Member’s attention by sending a notification to the Member’s registered email address.
  8. If VP makes any change to the terms and conditions to the detriment of the Member, the Member may cancel their membership without any financial penalty within 30 days after the change is notified and VP will refund the Member any prepaid membership fees on a pro-rata basis. If the Member continues to use the membership benefits after a change to the terms and conditions has been notified or does not cancel their membership within 30 days after the change has been notified, the Member will be taken to have accepted any changes made

Version: 19 March 2024

*Operational Subsidiary (New Zealand) is NVC Operations NZ Pty Limited (NZBN 9429042423362).


  1. Information on how to enter and prizes form part of these terms and conditions. By participating, entrants agree to be bound by these terms and conditions. Entries must comply with these terms and conditions to be valid.
  2. The Promoter is VetPartners New Zealand Operations Limited (Company Number 5807928) of Level 20, 188 Quay Street, Auckland Central, 1010. To contact the Promoter, please email [email protected]

Competition period

  1. The competition commences at 10am NZST, 21 September 2024 and closes at 4.59pm NZST, 25 September 2024 (Competition Period).

Eligibility to enter

  1. Entry is open to attendees of the Auckland Pet & Animal Expo 2024, 21-22 September, Auckland Showgrounds, Greenlane that are aged 18 years and over (Eligible Entrants).

Eligibility to redeem Prize

  1. The Promoter reserves the right to redraw the Prize if the winner does not, or the Promoter reasonably considers that the winner is likely to not, meet this edibility criteria.

How to enter

  1. To enter, Eligible Entrants must, during the Competition Period, use the QR Code provided to them while attending the Auckland Pet & Animal Expo 2024, 21-22 September, Auckland Showgrounds, Greenlane and fully complete the online entry form, including full name, email address and telephone number.
  2. A limit of one entry applies per person.
  3. The prize is a Best For Pet Wellness Plan to the value of $540. The Prize must be used by 31 October 2024 and is not redeemable for cash. Prize is not transferable (Prize).
  4. All taxes (excluding goods and services tax (GST)) which may be payable as a consequence of receiving the Prize are the sole responsibility of the winner.
  5. The Promoter is not liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered (even if caused by negligence) as a result of any winner accepting and/or using the Prize, except for any liability which cannot be excluded by law.
  6. The Promoter is not responsible or liable for any loss, damage or injury suffered by any winner arising from, or in connection with, the Prize.

Prize draw date and time

  1. The Prize will be drawn at the Promoter’s offices at 5pm NZST, 27 September 2024.
  2. This is a spot prize competition linked to the Auckland Pet & Animal Expo 2024 (Main Event). No consideration is paid (directly or indirectly) to attend or participate in the Main Event.

Winner notification

  1. Winners notified by email by 28 September 2024.

Unclaimed Prizes

  1. The Prize will be distributed during or after the close of the Competition.
  2. If a Prize is not accepted or claimed by 31 October 2024 the Promoter will distribute the unclaimed Prize to the next ranking entry as determined by the Promoter in its absolute discretion.
  3. Winners of unclaimed Prizes will be notified in writing to the email address provided at the time of entry.
  4. The Promoter assumes no responsibility for any failure to receive an entry or for inaccurate information or for any loss, damage or injury as a result of technical or telecommunications problems, including security breaches. If such problems arise, the Promoter may modify, cancel, terminate or suspend the Competition.

Use of Eligible Entrant’s personal information

  1. Personal information including the Eligible Entrant’s name, address, telephone number and email will be collected and used for the purpose of conducting this Competition. This may require disclosure to third parties, including local regulatory authorities and the Promoter’s agents or third party service providers, for the purpose of conducting the Competition, or for promotional and marketing purposes (including for direct marketing) (Purpose).
  2. By entering this Competition, Eligible Entrant’s consent to the use of their personal information for the Purpose, and that the Promoter may contact them for future marketing and material purposes without payment. Eligible Entrants agree that the Promoter may use this information for that purpose.
  3. Eligible Entrants may access, change or update their personal information by emailing the Promoter on [email protected] or by telephone at (NZ) 0800 838 562 or +64 9 887 1714 during office hours. A copy of the Promoter’s privacy policy is available at partners/privacy-policy. The privacy policy contains information about how individuals may access or correct personal information or make a privacy related complaint.

Entry content

  1. By entering this Competition, Eligible Entrants grant the Promoter a non-exclusive licence to use the content of their entry, or any part of the content of the entry, in any way the Promoter wishes (including modifying, adapting, copying, cropping, retouching, editing, publishing, broadcasting or communicating the entry whether in original or modified form in whole or in part) in all media for the purposes of the Promoter’s business on its website, social media or in any marketing campaign, without payment to the Eligible Entrant of royalties or compensation. If requested by the Promoter, Eligible Entrants agree to sign any further documentation required by the Promoter to give effect to this clause 22.
  2. By entering this Competition, Eligible Entrants consent to the Promoter dealing with their entry content in any way that may otherwise infringe the Eligible Entrant’s moral rights, and agree not to assert their moral rights (wherever such rights are recognised) in respect of their entry against the Promoter or its assigns, licensees or successors.
  3. Eligible Entrants consent to the Promoter using their name, likeness, image and/or voice in the Main Event that they are a winner in any media for an unlimited period of time without remuneration or compensation for the purpose of promoting this Competition (including any outcome) and/or promoting any products or services by the Promoter.

General conditions

  1. The Promoter’s decision is final and binding and no correspondence will be entered into. The Promoter accepts no responsibility for late, lost or misdirected entries or other communications. Entries will be deemed void if illegitimate, forged, manipulated or tampered with in any way.
  2. Should an Eligible Entrant’s contact details change during the Competition Period, it is the Eligible Entrant’s responsibility to notify the Promoter. A request to access or modify any information provided as part of the redemption of a Prize should be directed to the Promoter.
  3. The Promoter reserves the right to request verification of the age, identity and residential address of winners and any other information relevant to entry into or participation in this Competition. Verification is at the discretion of the Promoter, whose decision is final. Failure by the Promoter to enforce any of its rights does not constitute a waiver of those rights.
  4. The Promoter reserves the right to disqualify any individual who submits an entry that is not in accordance with these terms and conditions, or who is involved in any way in interfering or tampering with the conduct of this Competition, has breached any of these terms and conditions, or engaged in any unlawful or other improper misconduct calculated to jeopardise the fair and proper conduct of the Competition.
  5. Winners may have rights under the New Zealand Consumer Laws and other similar legislation which cannot be excluded, restricted or modified by the Promoter. These terms and conditions do not exclude, restrict or limit those statutory rights in any way. However, to the extent that it is permitted to do so by law, the Promoter (including its officers, employees and agents) excludes all liability whether arising in tort (including without limitation negligence), contract or otherwise for any personal injury or any other loss or damage (including without limitation loss of opportunity or loss of profits) whether direct, indirect, special or consequential, arising in any way out of the Competition, including, without limitation:
    • any technical difficulties or equipment malfunction (whether or not under the Promoter’s control);
    • any theft, unauthorised access or third party interference;
    • any entry that is late, lost, altered, damaged or misdirected (whether or not after their receipt by the Promoter) due to any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter;
    • any variation in market value to that stated in these terms and conditions;
    • any tax implications; or
    • the Prize or use of the Prize.
  6. If for any reason beyond the reasonable control of the Promoter this Competition is not capable of running as planned, the Promoter reserves the right in its sole discretion to take any action that may be available to it, and to cancel, terminate, modify or suspend the Competition, or amend these terms and conditions, unless to do so would be prohibited by law.