
Chloe graduated in 2017, with degrees in Veterinary Science and Animal Science and began working for us in 2018. Born and raised in Wellington, she has loved exploring a new part of the country and all Hawke’s Bay has to offer.

Her interests lie with internal medicine, pathology and physiology, ‘unpacking how things work and why they are the way they are’. Cases are puzzles to be unpicked, and there is huge satisfaction in finding the ‘why’ and treating accordingly. She is invigorated by the positive impact of surgical interventions on her patients, from removing a cancerous spleen to routine desexing.

One of her favourite parts of being in the veterinary industry is seeing and fostering the relationships between animals and their owners, and establishing long-term working relationships with the clients she sees. Watching a new puppy or kitten settle into a new family and grow into a wonderful and much-loved pet is a real pleasure. You will often find her sneaking a cuddle with one of the patients out back and firmly believes that kitten cuddles make everything better.

Learning is a great passion of Chloe’s and she has achieved a Post Graduate Certificate in Veterinary Science, as well as many courses to continue to upskill and ensure she does the best by her patients.