BVSc (Hons), GradCertVetStud, FANZCVS (Surgery)

Alen is a Fellow of the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists and a specialist in Small Animal Surgery. After graduating from the University of Queensland with first class honours, he completed a multi-disciplinary internship at the University of Sydney Veterinary Teaching Hospital, followed by a surgical specialty residency at North Shore Veterinary Specialist Hospital.

His clinical research has focused on fracture biomechanics, canine cruciate ligament disease and hip dysplasia. He is active in providing continual education for general practitioners and referral clinicians, to ensure that optimal care is always provided to our patients. In addition, Alen has served on the membership examiner panel for the Australian and New Zealand College of Veterinary Scientists.

Alen recognises the importance of helping pet owners understand the details of their pet’s conditions. His thorough clinical approach aims to provide owners with that understanding, as well as exploring all clinical options, including best standard of care medical and surgical solutions.