Lead Veterinarian

Dr Deb recently rejoined the Pet Vet team after completing her Masters in companion animal veterinary medicine in Thailand through NZ’s Massey University and Chulalongkorn University in Bangkok.

Deb has been vetting all over the world for the last 20 years. From a sheep station, she began in mixed practice in Hawkes bay before the ‘Kiwi working OE’ in England and volunteering in St. Lucia. On return to NZ she was drawn to her passion of small animal ultrasound at PVLH completing training through Sydney uni in 2005 and gained her memberships in emergency medicine & critical care in 2014. Deb volunteered her vet skills out of her garage on the pacific island of Niue for 2 years ( found her ironing board was a great operating table)  and met everyone on the island while she vaccinated all the islands dogs with donations she gained from MSD  Upper Hutt.

Deb has been enjoying catching up with pets & their people on her return and caring for new clients and their animal family members. She can be found in the ultrasound suite,  consult room, giving advice & working up medicine cases. She looks forward to meeting you.