Dr Karina completed her Bachelor of Science in 2004 and went on to finish her Bachelor of Veterinary Science in 2007. She is our go to vet on clinical pathology and ultrasonography having completed further study in both. Prior to starting at BAH, Karina has worked in other local small animal clinics as well as at the Animal Referral Hospital’s emergency department. You might also recognise her from the closing ceremony of the 2006 Commonwealth Games where she danced on stage dressed as Dame Edna Everage…

Karina shares a love of travel with her husband Darren, having visited the Galapagos Islands, Iceland, Sweden and Russia, as well as a range of other countries all over the world. Whilst on work experience at Tokyo Zoo, Karina found that she had to hold the hand of a Gorilla before it would take it’s daily medicine. At home, Karina and Darren enjoy the company of their two beagles (Pippi and Minnie) and their son Rhys, and daughters Aurora and Linnea.