BVBiol, BVSc, MANZCVS (Small Animal Surgery)

Dr. Luke Ellis joined Peninsula Vet Emergency and Referral Hospital (ERH) in 2020 as a Surgical Intern.

Luke graduated from Charles Sturt University in 2013. He developed a passion for surgery while working in general practice for seven years. Luke completed his internship with ERH in 2021, and he went on to complete a research fellowship that focused on canine elbow dysplasia and elbow CT. Luke commenced his surgical residency program in February 2023. He enjoys all aspects of small animal surgery.

Luke has presented his research in Canine Elbow Dysplasia and Canine Elbow CT at ANZCVS Science Week 2022, and again in 2023.

His pet family consists of a Golden Retriever and Miniature Black Panther.