BVSc Hons MANZCVS (Surgery) FANZCVS (Ophthalmology)

Specialist in Veterinary Ophthalmology.

Matt graduated with honours from the University of Melbourne in 2003. Since graduation he dedicated himself to general practice both in Australia and in the United Kingdom. He completed the Distance Education Course in Ophthalmology from the University of Sydney in 2006 and has maintained a keen special interest in ophthalmology ever since. Whilst working in London he regularly visited several of England’s leading veterinary eye clinics. Matt joined the team at Animal Eye Care in 2016 as part of a residency training position to become an eye specialist. He became a member of the ANZCVS in Small Animal Surgery by examination in 2017.

Matt achieved his specialist qualifications in 2021.

Matt has an Irish Setter named Connie, and 2 cats – Mog and Slinky Malinki.