Hi, I’m Nicole. I started working for Pet Doctors in Dec 2018 and moved to the Howick Clinic in October 2022 where I have recently taken up the Lead Veterinarian role. I graduated from Massey University in 2009. After observing what a difference it makes to our patients, I have become a strong advocate for good dental care and corrective treatments where needed. I really enjoy working in the Howick clinic, mainly because the clients are all lovely and take good care of their pets. I live with my husband Shaun, 2 cats; Maxie and Talulah, and Bentley the giant labrador. When I’m not working I love going on big walks with Bentley in the weekends and pottering in the garden. We try to go skiing at least once a year and I’m aiming to get back into equestrian when time allows it.