BVSc (Hons)

Dr Richelle joined our Vet team in the beginning of 2020 and brings with her an immense amount of warmth and care! Richelle has a particularly special interest in dentistry and client education. Dr Richelle moved to the Sunshine Coast with husband Lachlan (also a fellow Vet!) in 2013, after locuming around the UK for 2 years and working in Brisbane and Gympie in the early days of her career. Working part-time with us here in clinic, Richelle spends her spare time chasing her two kids around at the park, going to Moffat Beach and drinking lots of coffee! Dr Richelle has a very sweet girl named Edna at home, she is an elderly Bull Arab (Congenitally deaf, Cerebellar Hypoplasia – affectionately known as “steady Eddie” due to her intention tremors).