BVSc (Hons)

I have loved animals ever since I can remember. As a little girl I could be found hugging whatever small fluffy creature I could find. I always wanted to be a vet and was ecstatic when I got in to Vet Science at Sydney Uni. I graduated from Uni in 1994 and worked briefly in small animal practice in Sydney for a year before I then spent 4 years working in England. In London I discovered emergency medicine and got to love the adrenaline of working in the ER. In 2000 I came back to Australia and continued working in emergency in a specialist practice in Sydney.

In 2015 I moved to Canberra, and decided it was time to work during normal hours again, so I could see my family (and the sunlight) more. I started working at Canberra Vet Hospital and have been here ever since. I have rediscovered a love for general practice – allowing me to hugely impact the quality of life of our pets. It has been refreshing to practice preventative medicine again, and in particular, I have developed a love of dentistry. I have done further training in veterinary dentistry so I can best help my patients have pain free mouths. I love taking my patients through the healing process, and seeing them recover brings me great joy.

At home I have a busy household – with 3 kids all in high school, 2 cats & a rabbit. I love to hike and mountain bike. I love Canberra for the amazing quality of life, everything we need is nearby, almost no commute time and the ability to walk out of our door and into the beautiful bushland.