Steven completed a Bachelor of Science at Monash University and then went on to study the DVM at The University of Melbourne, graduating in 2022. 

His veterinary goals involve pursuing a challenging and eventful career, where I aim to explore a variety of areas in the veterinary industry in order to develop a wide scope of practice and expertise. Furthermore, in the future,  I wish to experience the veterinary industry from a different perspective, whether that be working rural or working in a developing country such as within South America. 

Outside of work, he enjoys exercising or going for a hike, often accompanied by my Australian Shepherd, Mila. Otherwise, I can be found at a sporting event, music concert or a new restaurant. 

When there is the opportunity for extended holidays, I am quick to get on a plane and travel, where I am fortunate enough to have visited places like Africa and Borneo and wish to travel to South America or Egypt next.