The pet poo guide

While poo may not be glamourous, monitoring it can give you valuable insights into your pet’s health and can help identify potential issues early. From smelly black poo to soft furry white poo, read on to find out what’s normal and when you should be concerned. What does healthy poo look like? Healthy poo is usually well-formed, moist, and easy to pick up. The colour can vary depending on your pet’s diet but generally ranges from chocolate brown to slightly darker or lighter shades. The consistency should be firm but not too hard, indicating a balanced diet and healthy digestion. The colour, consistency and contents of your pet’s poo can tell you a lot about their health. Refer to this handy guide below the next time your pet poos. Healthy habits for healthy poo Developing healthy habits for your pet is essential for them to produce healthy, well-formed poo. Here are some ...

By |2024-08-07T11:51:01+12:00August 7, 2024|Pet Advice|Comments Off on The pet poo guide

Understanding skin allergies in pets

Skin allergies are a common issue affecting many dogs and cats, causing discomfort and distress for both pets and their owners. Understanding the causes, symptoms, and treatments for these allergies can help manage and alleviate the condition, ensuring your furry friends lead happier, itch-free lives. Common skin allergies in pets The most common skin allergies in dogs and cats are environmental, such as dust mites, pollens and grasses. These environmental allergies, also known as atopy or atopic dermatitis, manifest as itching and scratching, leading to red, inflamed and damaged skin. Another common allergy is to fleas, which is called flea allergy dermatitis. These are the big two skin allergies seen in dogs and cats throughout Australia and New Zealand, typically occurring seasonally, though allergens, like dust mites, can be present all year round. Food allergies are far less common, making up only 10-15% of all skin allergies1. They typically occur all year round and often present in a similar ...

By |2024-07-30T11:53:31+12:00July 30, 2024|Pet Advice|Comments Off on Understanding skin allergies in pets

Pet oral care: the role of dental diets

We all know how important dental health is for ourselves, but did you know it’s equally crucial for our pets? Dental disease is the most common health issue in pets, with 70% of cats and 80% of dogs experiencing some level of disease by age of two¹. Causes of dental disease in pets The underlying cause of dental disease is plaque. Plaque is that furry film you feel on your teeth when you first wake up in the morning. It is a mix of saliva, bacteria and tiny food particles that sticks to your teeth and accumulates especially along the gum line. If not removed, it can mix with minerals in saliva to cause tartar and the bacteria can cause pain and inflammation of the gums, which is known as gingivitis. This inflammation can eventually affect the tissues that support the teeth leading to tooth loss. It isn’t always obvious that your pet has dental disease, however some of ...

By |2024-07-25T11:51:04+12:00July 25, 2024|Pet Advice|Comments Off on Pet oral care: the role of dental diets

Does your pet have trouble staying regular?

If your dog or cat has ongoing digestive issues, it’s important to visit your vet for an accurate diagnosis. Your vet can recommend the best treatment plan, which may include switching to a specially formulated food that supports digestive upsets and overall health and wellbeing. Let’s dive into the science behind this approach and introduce a breakthrough food to support your pet's digestive health. What is the Microbiome? By now, you've probably heard of the microbiome, as it's become an increasingly prevalent topic in the world of health over the last few years. This is because we now know that the bacteria and other microscopic organisms living on and in the body are not just a random cluster of germs that can make an individual sick. Think of the microbiome as a mini-ecosystem in your pet’s gut that plays a significant role in balancing digestive health and promoting your pet's overall health. The microbiome contains billions of bacteria and is unique to your ...

By |2024-07-25T11:45:59+12:00July 25, 2024|Pet Advice|Comments Off on Does your pet have trouble staying regular?

Why feed a premium pet food?

We all love our pets and want to see them happy and healthy, so they can live their best lifes! Which is why we want to feed them nothing but the best. But with so much information and so many choices out there, it can get confusing. So, why choose premium pet food, and what does "premium" really mean? What makes an ideal pet food? Well truth be told, there are no secrets when it comes to what is considered an ideal pet food. It needs to be; Palatable: Not just tasty, but appealing in flavour, aroma, texture and even shape. Complete and balanced: Contains all the nutrients a pet needs in the right proportions. Easy to digest: Allowing pets to gain maximum nutritional value from the diet. Appropriate caloric density: Provides the right amount of energy based on age and activity level. Appropriate for that pet’s life stage: Meeting varying nutritional needs throughout a pet’s life. Safe and ...

By |2024-07-25T11:52:36+12:00July 25, 2024|Pet Advice|Comments Off on Why feed a premium pet food?

How to get rid of fleas

Fleas are small, wingless insects known for their exceptional jumping ability and irritating bite. More than just a nuisance, fleas can cause health problems for your pet, including itching, allergies, skin infections, and the transmission of infectious or parasitic diseases, some of which can be transmitted to humans. Here’s how to keep your pet safe from fleas and how to treat a flea problem. What do fleas look like? Fleas are small and very quick moving, making them hard to spot. To the human eye, fleas look like little dark red or brownish ovals with legs underneath. If you see a flea, be prepared for it to jump or crawl away quickly. Sometimes, you might not see the fleas themselves, but you may see evidence of them in the form of ‘flea dirt’ (flea faeces), which looks like regular dirt on your pet. The way to tell the difference is to place some on a wet ...

By |2024-10-11T03:55:48+13:00July 1, 2024|Pet Advice|Comments Off on How to get rid of fleas

Does your pet have worms?

Worm infestations are common in dogs and cats, and knowing how to spot the signs early can ensure your pet stays healthy and happy. Worms can cause several health problems, ranging from mild discomfort to serious illness. Here’s how to determine if your pet has worms and what to do about it. What are intestinal worms? Intestinal worms are parasites that live in your pet’s intestines, feeding on blood or other nutrients. There are four main types of intestinal worms in pets to be aware of: Roundworm Roundworms are one the most common types of intestinal worms in pets. The adult worms, resembling long strands of spaghetti, live in the small intestine. Infestations are particularly common in kittens and puppies, who can get roundworms from their environment, from their mother in the womb, or through her milk while nursing. Symptoms of roundworm infestation in puppies and kitten can include a pot-bellied appearance, stunted growth, vomiting and diarrhoea. Hookworm Hookworms ...

By |2024-08-09T17:12:04+12:00July 1, 2024|Pet Advice|Comments Off on Does your pet have worms?

Arthritis assessment for cats

As cats grow older, many develop arthritis, a painful joint condition that affects their mobility and wellbeing. Recognising the signs of arthritis early on and getting treatment can help ease discomfort and slow its progression. To check if your cat might be showing signs of arthritis, we’ve created a simple assessment. Is your cat showing any of the following signs? While cats are good at hiding their pain, even subtle changes in their behaviour can indicate pain or discomfort. Have you noticed any of the following physical or behavioural changes in your cat? Click those that apply to determine if a vet check-up is recommended. Physical signs None of the above Behavioural signs None of the above See my results Good news! Based on your responses, it seems ...

By |2024-05-29T17:26:25+12:00May 3, 2024|Pet Advice|Comments Off on Arthritis assessment for cats
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