Is pet insurance worth it?

When things get a bit hairy, pet insurance can help Much like human family members, our pets can unexpectedly fall ill or get injured, leading to unexpected treatment costs. Pet insurance can help cover these expenses when things don’t go as planned. To help navigate the ins and outs of pet insurance, we’ve addressed some of the most asked questions. Should I get pet insurance? Unfortunately, unexpected injuries or illnesses can occur. Pet insurance may help cover some of the costs of unexpected veterinary care. What does pet insurance cover? Pet insurance may cover aspects of general care and treatment for serious illnesses and emergencies. With many insurers and policies available, it is important that you undertake your own research and read the product disclosure statements carefully so that you understand what is covered and determine which insurer and cover is best suited to you and your pet. What’s ...

By |2024-05-30T16:33:18+12:00February 5, 2024|Pet Advice|Comments Off on Is pet insurance worth it?