Looking after your senior pet

When is a pet classified as being senior or mature? Most dogs and cats are considered mature adults once they turn seven years old. However, large breed dogs age more quickly and are considered mature at 5-6 years of age. What are some of the signs of aging that a pet owner should look out for? Pet owners may notice changes to their pet’s appearance, such as some grey hairs appearing. Pets may also develop hearing loss and reduced vision. Even if a mature pet does not appear old outwardly, certain changes are progressively occurring. These include changes in their organ systems, such as their immune system, digestive system and certain behavioural changes. Behavioural changes can include changes in their interactions with the family, changes in thinking, and confusion about where the door or bed is. It can be alterations in their sleeping patterns and toileting accidents when they were previously well toilet-trained. And with ...

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